We Need Your Support in Collecting Data for All of Washington State!
The focus of the survey is to gather data on service demand and operational challenges, both preceding and as a result of COVID-19. Since all agencies are different, the goal is not to compare or benchmark between agencies. The intent is to see the degree of change between increasing demand and declining resources that all park and recreation agencies have experienced. Please carefully review the instructions below before you begin the survey.
For this survey, consider your entire park system, including all operations (non-capital) budgets that are managed by your department/agency. This includes your parks, recreation facilities and programs, enterprise funds, and any unique attractions and services. We strongly encourage you to review the survey questions posted here before you begin. If necessary, have various personnel review and contribute to the PDF. This will enable you to compile the information necessary to complete the survey in one sitting. Please direct any questions, comments, or concerns to WRPA Legislative Chair Roxanne Miles (by work email or phone: 253.798.4007) or intergovernmental relations lobbyist Doug Levy (by work email or phone: 425.922.3999).
Review the Survey Questions
before you begin.
Please submit your response by close of business Friday, September 18, 2020
Begin the Survey
This project is a collaboration between the Washington Recreation & Park Association, the Washington State Association of Counties, the Association of Washington Cities, and Metro Parks Tacoma.