Outdoor Recreation, Phase 1 Clarifications and Phase 2 Requirements – Proclamation 20-25 and Proclamation 20-25.2

Phase 1 & 2: Recreation Clarification & Requirements

A Message from Governor Jay Inslee

This memorandum serves to make further clarifications for Outdoor Recreation, Phase 1, and sets forth additional Phase 2 criteria.  This memorandum is effective as of May 14, 2020. 

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RCO Grant Application Deadline is Fast Approaching

RCO Grant Applications Extended to June 1, 2020

A message from Marguerite Austin, Recreation and Conservation Grants Section

Applications for Recreation and Conservation Funding Board grants are due on Monday, June 1st, by 11:59 p.m. If you have started an application or are thinking of applying for a grant for your recreation or conservation project – there’s not much time left.

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Learn More About the Western States Pact

Western State Pact: Collective Recovery Plan

A Message from Peter Mayer, Metro Parks Tacoma

Good morning!  First of all, I hope this finds you healthy and rested.  I wanted to send a “shout out” of thanks and share a few developments.

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Scholarship Opportunity: Society of Outdoor Recreation Professionals

Enhance Your Agencies Recreational Assets or Programs

Society of Outdoor Recreation Professionals (SORP) has opened its next round of the Christopher K. Jarvi Scholarship to Advance Partnerships. This scholarship fund was created to help dedicated professionals explore ways to integrate more partnerships into their work to benefit and bring value to parks, public lands, and the communities that host them. The scholarships are meant for professionals focused on enhancing recreational assets or programs and should be focused on training that can enhance the partnership potential of the individual.

Chris Jarvi was active in leadership with prominent organizations working to support recreation and parks professionals. At his request, this scholarship was created to encourage parks and recreation professionals to continue to explore how partnering efforts can help them to achieve parks, recreation, and community goals. Scholarships range from $500-$1,500 and may be used over the 18 months following the award. Based upon the current COVID-19 situation, SORP recommends a primary focus for this round on:

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News Release: What Parks Are Opening?

Parks Announces Limited Opening For Day Use

Ocean Beach and Columbia River Gorge Parks Remain Closed

A Message from Washington State Parks

OLYMPIA – May 2, 2020

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Condolences to Key Pen Parks Community on Passing of Executive Director

In Memory of Scott Gallacher

On behalf of the WRPA Board of Directors, we are deeply saddened to have learned of the sudden and unexpected passing of Key Pen Parks Executive Director and long-time WRPA member Scott Gallacher. Scott was an active member of our association who regularly attended regional meetings, legislative events, and state conferences. He will be greatly missed both within the Key Pen Parks community and throughout our state.

A message from his organization related to this sad news is posted on the Key Pen Parks website. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Scott's family during this very difficult time.

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NCSI Can Help WRPA Members Stay Healthy At Home

Healthy At Home Hub on SportsEngine.com

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Greetings Special Park District Leaders,

I hope this email finds you healthy and well during this difficult time.  We have heard from many of you about the extraordinary work you are doing on behalf of your community.    We know that special park districts are in a difficult place with respect to the ability to receive funding while still facing the challenges that COVID-19 has brought. 

NRPA has drafted a memo that will provide you additional information about the federal response along with a letter that we plan to send to federal leaders on behalf of special park districts.  This letter asks for equitable treatment when funding is provided.   

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Outdoor Activities Restart: Requirements & Recommendations

Hiking and Other Outdoor Activities Restart COVID-19 Requesremts and Recommendations.

This week an amendment was made to Proclamation 20-25.2. Read the full proclamation from Governor Jay Inslee and view the quick guide banner.

View the Proclamation

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ADVISORY: Inslee Press Conference on COVID-19 Monday in Olympia

Gov. Jay Inslee will address media Monday via streaming video and telephone to provide an update on the state's COVID-19 response.

The governor will be joined by Hilary Franz, commissioner of public lands, Kelly Susewind, director of the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, and Don Hoch, director of the Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission.

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WRPA Presents Virtual Network Meetings

Connect with Your Industry Peers Online
April 20 - 24, 2020

Now more than ever is the time for the membership to connect, collaborate, and share resources. In order to bring the organization together, we are offering virtual WRPA Network meetings during the week that we otherwise would have had the conference, April 20 - 24, 2020.

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WRPA Sends Out Recovery Plan Proposal & RCO Match-Reduction Proposal

WRPA & Other Western Associations Are Advocating for Park & Rec Safety During COVID

A Message from WRPA's Lobbyist Doug Levy

On April 23, 2020, WRPA sent out a proposal outlining a framework on how public parks and recreation service providers can serve a vital role in assisting you to safely return Washingtonians to public life. On Tuesday, May 21, 2020, the Recreation and Conservation Funding Board (RCFB) voted unanimously to support an RCO staff proposal to reduce the local match requirements during the COVID-19 period. Read more below

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RCO Grant Match-Reduction Proposal

Recreation & Conservation Office (RCO) Votes to Reduces Local Match Requirements

A Message from WRPA Lobbyist Doug Levy

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What WRPA Can Do For Members During the COVID-19 Pandemic

A Message from the WRPA President

We know the COVID-19 pandemic is impacting you in a variety of ways, affecting your communities, your families, and your work. With that in mind, we simply wanted to reach out to let you know we are thinking of you. Your own health and wellbeing, and of those you love, should be your top concern right now.

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What WRPA Can Do For Non-Members During the COVID-19 Pandemic

A Message from the WRPA President

We know the COVID-19 pandemic is impacting you in a variety of ways, affecting your communities, your families, and your work. With that in mind, we simply wanted to reach out to let you know we are thinking of you. Your own health and wellbeing, and of those you love, should be your top concern right now.

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Legislate Day Recap


On a wet day in early February, 130 advocates descended on Olympia to speak up for our outdoors. Folks from Manson near Lake Chelan to Longview on the Columbia River committed their time and energy to tell lawmakers why the outdoors matters. Their voices made an impact with legislators, and we’re so thankful for the support of so many passionate outdoor advocates from across the state.

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2020 RMS Recap

Risk Management School: Renton Community Center

WRPA held its biennial RMS training program from February 3–4, 2020.

This program consists of two days of networking, quality education, and professional development. This training is specifically designed for parks and recreation administrators, managers and supervisors. The curriculum also is appropriate for public works professionals, attorneys, school district personnel and risk managers, as well as port districts, public utility districts, YMCA and other non-profit organizations and related fields.

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RCO: Match Reduction in Response to the Pandemic

Request for Public Comment

If your agency is currently or past the point of contact for a parks and recreation grant or if your agency is interested in RCO's programs, please review the below:

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic RCO is proposing reducing an applicant’s match for 2020 parks and recreation grants from a 50% contribution to 25%:

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Connect With Our Preferred Background Screening Provider

We’ve done the research so you don’t have to, endorsing the National Center for Safety Initiatives (NCSI) as our preferred background screening provider. NCSI is a youth safety advocacy group and leading background screening provider. Their comprehensive background screenings uncover pivotal information other screening services may miss.

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Stay at Home Extended to May 4, 2020

The one-month Stay at Home extension to May 4th the big thing by far.  Also covered:

  • Yet to see the full weight of this – epidemiological modeling at UW predicts 1000+ deaths in our state – would be worse if didn’t do this
  • Referenced a chart showing Washington’s rate of COVID-19 cases slowing considerably COMPARED to the likes of NY, New Jersey
  • Said the epidemiologists show a rate of slowing in the 80% range – 80% fewer cases than if had not acted
  • Believes in next 4 weeks could see millions of masks being produced – couldn’t tell if that was national or WA state figure
  • Mentioned an arrangement where incarcerated inmates helping with the production of masks, gowns
  • Dr. Raquel Bono, in response to questions, noted the state is confident even with an expected surge that it will have the hospital bed and ventilator capacity it needs.  She did express a concern re ICU bed capacity

On other fronts, during Q&A the Governor made it clear he will:

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