Equity, Inclusion & Belonging Committee (EIB)

WRPA has launched a new committee in support of our commitment to Equity, Inclusion & Belonging (EIB).  The EIB Committee was formed in recognition that many public service institutions were created during a time when societal norms privileged and included some groups, while they disadvantaged and excluded others, creating inequities.

These founding policies, practices, this culture, behaviors, and beliefs created day-to-day barriers for equity-seeking communities, which have compounded over time. The legacy of these barriers is sustained in our current time, through the unconscious practice of doing things as they have always been done. If left unexamined and unchanged, our current policies, practices, and procedure recreate the historical exclusions set by their predecessors.


WRPA’s EIB Committee is an invitation for members of our professional community to connect, collaborate, and increase equity within our profession. If you are interested, please email the WRPA Office at [email protected].

  • Shanyanika (Shan) McElroy - Co-Chair
    Policy and Organizational Performance Advisor, Seattle Parks and Recreation

  • Jennifer Gessley Gayman - Co-Chair
    Programs Specialist, Olympic Parks, Arts, and Recreation
Review Our List of EIB Resources

Ways to Get Involved

Join the Committee

  • Attend the Equity, Inclusion & Belonging Committee meetings. If you are interested, please email the WRPA Office at [email protected].
  • Invite other Change Agents to join the committee.
  • Help develop and finalize the goals and strategies of the Equity, Inclusion & Belonging Committee

Suggested Equity, Inclusion & Belonging Committee Goals

  • Increase Washington Recreation and Park Association’s capacity to uphold equity as a core value.
  • Support the work change agents throughout Washington’s Park and Recreation professional community.

Suggested Equity, Inclusion & Belonging Committee Strategies

  • Develop and implement policies, practices, programs, and services that increase equity, inclusion, and belonging for equity-seeking groups.
  • Normalize equity discussions, practices, and build organizational capacity in partnership with other WRPA Committees.
  • Addresses meeting community needs, wants, desires without causing unintended consequences
  • Develop an Equity and Inclusion Plan for Washington Recreation and Park Association

Review Our List of EIB Resources