The RCO Is Accepting Grant Applications for the Outdoor Recreation Legacy Partnership Program
Hello, potential grant applicants and other interested parties!
The Recreation and Conservation Office is accepting grant applications for the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF), Outdoor Recreation Legacy Partnership Program.
This program, administered by the National Park Service, provides grants to acquire and/or develop land for public outdoor recreation purposes located within or serving jurisdictions having populations of 50,000 or more (2010 Census). Projects should also improve physical access and recreational services, address a neighborhood/community recreational deficiency, and improve recreation service to economically-disadvantaged neighborhoods or communities.
If you have an eligible project and are interested in applying, please take a moment to read the At-A-Glance document for additional program details and eligibility criteria. RCO’s Applicant’s To Do List outlines the deliverables and deadlines. You must start your application in PRISM Online by June 26, 2018.
Each state may submit only three applications for the national competition. Since the program began in 2014, Washington State has been awarded two out of four applications submitted.
Pending Recreation and Conservation Funding Board approval, if RCO receives more than three proposals, the LWCF advisory committee will rank the projects using the federal evaluation criteria. RCO’s director then will forward the top three projects to the National Park Service.
Please contact an RCO grants manager if you have a potentially eligible project, or if you have questions.
Marguerite Austin
Manager, Recreation and Conservation Grants