Transgender 101 and gender segregated facilities
Track: Leadership & Management

Thursday, October 13, 2016 | 1:30pm - 2:15pm
Room: Mountaineers | Goodman A


Sharon Ortiz, Executive Director, Washington State Human Rights Commission

Session Description:

In many parks and recreation facilities, separate restrooms are provided for men and women. In some cases, questions can arise about which facilities a person should use. In Washington State, Effective December 26, 2015, the Washington State Human Rights Commission adopted new rules requiring that individuals be allowed to use gender-segregated facilities, such as restrooms or locker rooms that are consistent with their gender expression or gender identity. This issue, of course, is not without controversy and parks and recreation operators are caught in the middle. Sharon Ortiz, with the Washington State Human Rights Commission, will provide an overview of the law and provide tools to ensure your facility policies and practices are in compliance.